a walk in the park

it was a bit nippy out this morning, as ronnie would say, but the sun was shining so everything was alright. we scooted over to the east end after breakfast, to have a cuppa char with nanny minnie. on our way home we decided that actually it would be rather lovely to have a little walk around the park before lunch rather than after, well just incase that beautiful sun decided to disappear from our skies. we quickly popped home to grab our cameras and off we set.

one of ronnies birthday presents was a camera. a nice little shiny red one. point and shoot i think they are called. he was always taking snaps on my iPhone, and really seemed to enjoy it. so we wanted to encourage it and he is really started to get it.

so here’s a few from me…

the beautiful dulwich parkdulwich parkthe obligatory stick and an addition of a giant leafstick and leaf

hide and seekhide and seektaking a picture of mummy taking a picture of metaking a photo of mummy taking a photo of meand a few from him…

taking a picture of mummy taking a picture of me taking a picture of hermummy taking a picture of me taking a picutre of herfunny bikesfunny bikes


  1. November 3, 2013 / 21:25

    Ronnie clearly has a very good eye. My two are showing talent with the camera too – I wonder whether it’s something about seeing the world from their level means that they get a better insight into what’s around them than we do?

    • November 3, 2013 / 21:41

      you might be right with that you know. i try to encourage him to continiously snap and snap and just see what he captures. he seems to be enjoying it and often asks to take the camera out which is great. a lovely talent to nurture x

  2. November 4, 2013 / 01:09

    That looks like a lovely big park and popular too, looks like you weren’t the only ones thinking of a sunny Sunday walk! Loving the young photographer, definitely a good birthday present.

    • November 4, 2013 / 12:56

      it’s an amazing park, we are very lucky to have such a wonderful open space near by

  3. November 5, 2013 / 09:17

    Looks like a beautiful day. I think I might get the boy a camera for Xmas. Ronnie seems great at lining up his shots!

    • November 5, 2013 / 22:47

      oh you should, i don’t know why i ummmed and arghh’d so much, it’s a great gift. do it!

  4. November 5, 2013 / 23:34

    Such a perfect looking autumn walk in the park – love the photos of photos xx

  5. November 7, 2013 / 13:25

    The leaf and stick pictures are great. I think it’s fab that the shoes and camera are the same colour too. Ronnie is a great photographer – mine can still be blurry even at my age!

  6. November 7, 2013 / 17:33

    Beautiful pictures as always. I love the hide&seek one πŸ™‚

    • November 7, 2013 / 18:24

      they think they are so invisible don’t they! ha ha ha

    • November 15, 2013 / 22:33

      we have emergency sticks in the car! seriously we do. ronnie collects them because if he sees a dog without a stick he gets sad for them so then we have one for them! bless him

  7. November 10, 2013 / 16:48

    that looks like a beautiful park, lovely photos xx

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