365 11.10.14

sadly last week Mr HPMcQs scooter finally bit the dust

after 14 faithful years they said their goodbyes

today my scoot came out of hiding

to see if he could step into the shoes of the main man

oh he is handsome don’t you think?

i haven’t ridden him since 2008, the year that rooster was born

started first time

what a happy moment, me and my scoot

beep beep


    • November 2, 2014 / 10:30

      he must get one, they are so great. get the geared ones mind those twist and go ones are rubbish. #mightbebiased

  1. October 27, 2014 / 22:49

    Look at you go! You suit it completely, I don’t think I could hand it over.

    • November 2, 2014 / 10:33

      it’s on the provision that it comes straight back to me, once Mr HPMcQ has decided what to do about his bike situation. i must i totally loved being back on the scoot. beep beep

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