*waves fist in the air* font overlays? photoshop? ooooo you’re a mean lady annie, mean i say, mean.
but i do love a challenge, so i’ll font you up and i’ll even go deep into the depths of photoshop for you. both give me the hibigeebies. that is love right there.
i’ve got nothing against a good font, nothing what so ever. fonts are both good and super damn cool. being married to Mr HPMcQ it would be hard not to enjoy a good font, we have many a discussion about the kerning of a font. i know, i know, i’m living the dream. i tend to keep away from them purely because there’s so many great fonts out there in the big wide font world, that before i know it i’ve downloaded hundreds of them and then i can’t make a decision on which little bugger to use, let alone what colour to use it in and where to place it and then what to say!
anyhooooo in the spirit of this weeks better photo project – quote overlays, i will down load a font hundreds of fonts, upload hundreds of fonts and work some jiggery-pokery in photoshop. you see photoshop gives me the willies too. i don’t know why, bit silly really considering the amount of photos that i take. i really should embrace it. i guess it’s because i know i will end up loosing hours and hours in there too, with all the wonders that it holds.
so here we go
i down-loaded this font, boston traffic from font squirrel, you can down load it here too if you like it. i then popped over to photoshop and overlaid some text on this photo of the HPMcQ boys, which in all honesty i did not take this week. naughty i know, i actually took it two weekends ago whilst we were at the barbican. i hope i don’t get sent to the naughty steps (ha ha pardon the pun) for this outrageous behaviour, as i have compensated by doing the dutiful fontage and photoshopping. it’s just that when i took the photo i really loved it, not sure why really. i think perhaps the mundaneness of an everyday life activity like walking down the steps just captures that moment of time. i didn’t really know what to do with it at the time, but then this task came up and it was the first photo that came to mind. please forgive me x
Now you see I LOVE this! And I am so very sorry for making you do the font-thang, who would have thought it would be so controversial !
I’m not a fna of text on photots every day – but now and then it looks might fine. I could see this on a magazine cover. And is that a bit of the mr I spy at the top? *rubs knees*
Thank you for having a go!
yay i did good! 🙂
You really are an A student! I bet you handed in your homework early and always did the extensions too, didn’t you?
I’m not criticising, I just recognise a fellow perfectionist. I had never installed a font in my life before today, and photoshop terrifies me. But Annie says we must, and so I shall return to my tinkering…
indeed if annie says so then we must do it!!
You’re a braver woman than me! I’ve sort of given up on photoshop as it’s like going down the rabbit’s hole. Love the photo, well done! 🙂
i won’t be going back anytime soon!!
It’s amazing what you can do with a single photograph #blogclub
i’m sure you could do a whole heap more if you just knew how!
Helen’s comment made me laugh, I didn’t get to first base freaked out by the idea of photo shop. Will have to have a go in a quiet moment
she’s a bit of a task master this annie, who is she anyway!!! ha ha ha ha ha
It’s totally fab Vanessa, I really love it. I’m not grown up enough for photoshop yet, still in pic monkey! Mich x
i’m more comfortable in pic monkey too. couldn’t get out of photoshop quick enough!! he he
I have been known to add the odd bit of text to a photo, but haven’t got as far as downloading any fonts yet… 🙂 Must get back into the Better Photos Project, I’ve been very lazy recently! #BlogClub
i’m loving the prompts, it makes me do stuff i don’t normally want to do! *shakes fists again*
It’s controversial the old font on the image isn’t it. I’m not usually a fan although you and Annie do it beautifully. Fabulous image, love it 🙂
thanks charly, not sure when i’ll do it again though. bit of a one font stand this shot!