ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha get me being star pupil, don’t think i’ve EVER been called that so thank you for that helen. also i need to say thank you for the massive compliment that you have given me by saying that my daily snaps are amazing. WOW. just WOW. so i thank you again.
the reason i wait for each weeks task, is because i love taking my photos for my 365 but i am so keen to learn more. i just don’t seem to have the time to fit a course into my diary. however i am determined for this to change, so watch this space!
hilariously this weeks better photo project is all about not planning. now this i can do, this i do do every single day. the key thing about not planning, is to always plan to have a camera with you. this is so much easier now that smart phones are so damn smart. me and my iPhone are very close friends. even though i bought myself a camera last year, which i am gradually getting a little more confident with, it is always my iPhone that i (currently) feel most comfortable with.
today we went to the hello my name is paul smith exhibition at the design museum on the south bank. i’ll post about that separately as it’s quite special for me and Mr HPMcQ. interestingly paul smith doesn’t plan what to photograph but he does plan to have a camera with him absolutely everywhere he goes. so oddly today’s adventure was very appropriate indeed to todays task. what i had forgotten about was the lovely walk there through shad thames. here is an ad hoc photo from that walk.
chains to a ships anchor. the texture, the colour, the shapes within shapes, the sheer size of each link, all pretty glorious i thought, so i took a shot.
See? You just spot the beauty in things that others simply wouldn’t. Gorgeous!
you tease x love you x
What a cool photo of the chain! My camera is always hanging from my neck so unplanned photos happen on the daily basis – I have a terrible habit of either forgetting to bring my phone with me or it’s uncharged (my way of rebelling against the past when I had to always have it with me for work)
i’m good on the phone front, i just really need to get in the grove with taking my camera with me everywhere. either or, as long as they are with you that’s the important part
Teachers pet π I just need to have my camera with me more often, the down side of a DSLR, they are a bit bulky for carring around everyday. The colours in the chains are amazing, great photo.
which is why i didn’t want one, i just knew i wouldn’t be arsed carrying it about. i went for a compact system camera which has the options of the lenses but is much much smaller. still getting to grips with it but determined to crack it!
I can’t imagine that you would ever need to go on a photography course, I am constantly in awe of your pictures! #blogclub
thank you jess, a very lovely thing to say. there is so much i would love to learn and then i too share what i’ve learnt π
I think this just proves Helen’s point!
ha ha ha she is such a tease π
What Actually Mummy said. I know nothing about photography or art in general, but I could look at your photos forever.
that’s a lovely thing to say, thank you x