bloom boom

yay the hydrangea’s have started to bloom and they are a wonderful mix of blue, violet, lime and pink all on one plant, even on just one bloom. how does that happen? that’s so much more than we bargained for. also the star-gazer lilies have made their first show and are they glorious. the palest of orange with spatterings of deepest purple. we at casa HPMcQ are very happy with our booming blooming garden right about now.

hydrangea 1stargazer lily 1hydrangea 2stargazer lily 2hydrangea 3stargazer lily 3see how some other gardens grow by clicking on the badge below


  1. July 11, 2013 / 22:05

    The lillies look fabulous – I wish I could smell them, I love their scent. The colour on the hydrangeas is absolutely stunning.

    • July 16, 2013 / 14:08

      i love the purpleness of the purple on the lilies, so strong and the hydrangea plant is bonkers with such a display of different colours it can’t quite make it’s mind up!

  2. July 11, 2013 / 22:31

    Your blooms is real purtee , real purtee indeed. Bet they bring a big grin to your face ๐Ÿ™‚


    • July 16, 2013 / 14:11

      i’m rather pleased with them this year, they rather beautiful aren’t they ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. July 12, 2013 / 08:14

    Wow what gorgeous flowers and what stunning photography.

  4. July 14, 2013 / 12:11

    Lovely blooms indeed! We have very little flowering plants in our garden currently but all that’s about to change!

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