roald dahl died in 1990, 22 years ago, but his genius story telling is stronger than ever in the most incredible childrens books that anyone will ever read. shortly after his death, his widow felicity dahl, founded the roald dahl’s marvellous children’s charity in 1991. the charity supports thousands of children and young people in the uk living with serious haematological and neurological conditions. every year dahlicious schools hold a dahlicious dress up day, where for a small donation children go to school as a roald dahl character. these donations, help to raise funds for specialist nurses, equipment & care.
children love dressing up and what a wonderful choice is there is from his vast imagination of characters.
the bfg (30 years old this year), charlie and the chocolate factory, the twits, the witches, james and the giant peach, danny the champion of the world, fantastic mr fox, george’s marvellous medicine, matilda and so many many more.
now that ronnie is a big boy and is at big school, he was excited to find out that on his third week dalhlicious dress up day fell on the friday. like every 4 year old, ronnie loves dressing up and we have many many outfits which he is always in and out of, but what to wear?
willy wonka of course!
He makes a fabulous Willy Wonka….love the shiny purple jacket! We are huge fans too 🙂
i’m reading the fantastic mr fox to him at the moment, he is really loving it, i thought he might be too young but nope!