easter for idiots

we’ve scooted round the park

swung on the swings

slid down the slide, sitting, laying, backwards and sideways

gone round and round on the roundabout

ronnie is sitting on my lap by the gates of the park and we are scoffing a 99 with a flake

ronnie : what day is it today mummy?

hpmcq : it’s friday

ronnie : why am i not at pre-school?

hpmcq : because today is a holiday, and mummy & daddy don’t have to work and the nursery is closed

ronnie : why is it a holiday?

hpmcq : because today is good friday

ronnie : when is naughty friday?


  1. actuallymummy
    April 11, 2012 / 08:31

    Ah, now I have always wondered why it’s called Good Friday when plainly bad things happened on it! I’ll go and check with GG, she’ll know πŸ˜‰

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