no longer 30 something

working hard as a mummy, a wife,

a homemaker, a full time working mum

all of which i adore

it’s what makes me, me



  instagram-glyph 2 copy


  1. February 20, 2012 / 13:14

    I adore your baby picture, it reminds me of the film Amelie, sweet, quirky, cute.
    I’m also enjoying your blog and I look forward to meeting you at Brit Mums in June x

    • February 20, 2012 / 14:35

      from fun to mum

      that shot is my very first passport photo just around the time we moved to the uk.

      I’m very flattered by your lovely comments on my little ole blog, I’m very much enjoying posting on it.

      June is going to be so much fun see you there!

  2. February 25, 2012 / 16:47

    Aww how cute! Baby pics are the best! Love the hair

    • hpmcq
      September 10, 2012 / 20:34

      little curly wurly hurley purley

  3. April 25, 2012 / 20:30

    I’m loving this blog, where do you find the time, you really are superwoman!!!

    • April 25, 2012 / 22:12

      Thats very kind words you say thank you

    • hpmcq
      May 15, 2012 / 21:49

      oooooo do i get a bronze statue or something shiny? thank you for your kind words

  4. May 17, 2012 / 16:20

    You get a shiney Sheriffs badge x

  5. September 25, 2012 / 08:51

    A lot of admiration for you, hardest working underpaid mum I know! Keep up the good work.


    • hpmcq
      September 25, 2012 / 13:17

      what a gorgeous comment thank you x

  6. October 16, 2012 / 22:41

    beautiful pics, is bloody hard being a working mum – i take my hat off to you x

    • hpmcq
      October 17, 2012 / 22:20

      thank you for your lovely comment and may I say how beautiful is your hat!

  7. November 18, 2012 / 10:14

    Aw, I love cute baby pics! x

    • hpmcq
      March 3, 2013 / 14:27

      ha ha can’t imagine that i was ever cute, perhaps a monkey!

  8. February 12, 2013 / 00:14

    Great photo’s, both of them!

    • hpmcq
      February 22, 2013 / 21:42

      why thank you x

    • hpmcq
      February 22, 2013 / 21:43

      thanking you kindly x

  9. February 27, 2013 / 20:20

    Aw that is lovely x

    • hpmcq
      March 3, 2013 / 14:28

      thank you nikki x

  10. March 3, 2013 / 12:15

    Wow, that was a gorgeous passport shot. Never come across before – thanks for the Silent Sunday visit 🙂 x

    • hpmcq
      March 3, 2013 / 14:29

      just the shot that was gorgeous, i however was quite the tinker!

  11. May 6, 2013 / 16:02

    Such gorgeous pictures x

    • May 28, 2013 / 21:45

      thank you very much susan x

  12. May 12, 2013 / 10:51

    What fabulous photos – love your blog 🙂

    • May 28, 2013 / 21:47

      fabulous comment thanking you x

  13. August 13, 2013 / 16:35

    Well done for being able to juggle – and enjoy it! Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees. x

    • August 15, 2013 / 22:17

      thank you susanna. my trick is to not think about the amount that needs to be done and just crack on. once to you stop to think too long, is when you frighten the socks off yourself! x

  14. August 18, 2013 / 08:47

    Very impressed with your music taste as well as your photography

    • December 22, 2013 / 20:40

      thank you caz, hope i don’t disappoint now i’ve grabbed your attention x

  15. August 18, 2013 / 09:30

    “30 something and a little more something” LOVE IT! I may have to borrow this from you next time a bad mannered person decides its acceptable to ask a lady her age. Beautiful site you have here.

    • December 22, 2013 / 23:42

      well i won’t be able to use it much longer so you are welcome! ha ha

  16. October 5, 2013 / 11:57

    How do you fit it all in? And blogging too? You must be a very good juggler. x

    • December 22, 2013 / 23:45

      i’m not sure that i do!

  17. December 22, 2013 / 19:39

    Beautiful as a child and woman x

    • December 23, 2013 / 12:24

      *blushing* thank you x

  18. December 23, 2013 / 10:59

    What a truly angelic little face you had as a baby! Such eyes of wonder. And ditto to Jo Henley’s comment too!

    • December 23, 2013 / 12:26

      i don’t think my parents would say i was angellic!

  19. December 23, 2013 / 11:54

    I love children’s passport photos. Always so serious but cute.

    • December 23, 2013 / 12:27

      rabbit in the headlights jumps to mind!