museum of london

to escape the miserable bank holiday weather, and to avoid the inevitable cabin fever that might have overtaken us all if we stayed in our home any longer, we popped north of the river to the museum of london for a little smooch about. however imagine our surprise as we came up the stairs and across the bridge to discover that the rotunda at the entrance of the museum had been painted by 3 iconic street artists, including one of my favourites,  thierry noir, john dolan and run.

thierry noir, one of my favourite street artists, was the first street artist to paint the berlin wall in the 1980’s, and he painted miles of it!

john dolan spent 3 years on the streets of shoredtich with the company of his dog george drawing the landscape around them.

run is all about paint, interlocking faces, hands, anatomy and large scale.


  1. May 30, 2014 / 22:08

    I love ‘street art’ and this is awesome! I hoping to be in London a bit more this year and this is what I would love to see more of.

    • June 11, 2014 / 21:30

      let me know and i’ll give you a tour

  2. May 31, 2014 / 18:02

    Just incredibly cool!

    • June 11, 2014 / 21:30

      fabuloso indeed

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