potting roulette

so last week the boys in da HPMcQ house did some potting and stuff out in our back yard. plants were planted into beds and into hanging baskets. seeds were sown into grow bags and into seeding pots. we have no idea what the little chap below is going to be, but he is coming along just swell. the no idea being because the labels on the pots don’t really match back to what we thought had been planted. so here commences our potting roulette!

potting roulette

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  1. June 1, 2013 / 07:19

    I love the carefree style of potting roulette – I bet whatevers been planted looks awesome sauce x

    Thanks for joining in and am extra big squeeze of love x

  2. June 1, 2013 / 12:47

    That sounds quite fun actually.We have window sill containers in our flat with salad stuff in but I’m not brave enough to wing it like you.

  3. June 1, 2013 / 20:51

    My son helped me planting and what were supposed to be sweet peas look remarkably like the basil in the next pots, goodness knows where the sweet peas have gone

    • June 2, 2013 / 10:04

      ha ha ha they try to be so helpful, and are, but not all at the same time!

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