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wow that looks amazing…I did read though the previous comments and replies as i was very curious as to what it was….who would ever have thought it was a postbox x fab
March 18, 2013 / 21:56
maybe i should start running trips to see it, everyone seems quite enamoured by it!
Beautiful, but not sure what it is
thank you, i’ve got you all guessing!
Whatever it is, it is very pretty!
it’s the top of the post box at the end of my road!
Is that a garden? Love the splashes of red peeking through!
nope not a garden, a post box!
Love the texture and colour. It’s a close up of something? I was thinking tree bark maybe?
it is indeed a close up, not a tree but a post box.
Very pretty and colourful.
thank you x
Wow, that’s stunning! And not a little intriguing…. Is that some moss I spy?
all kinds of stuff going on up there!
Mossy tree or mossy metal ?!
mossy postie!
It requires closer inspection! Is it lichen on a bit of possibly quite rusty metal??
so many colours and patterns, i took me a little longer than usual to post my letter!
very pretty colours xx
fantastic aren’t they?
That’s beautiful, is it moss?
moss and all kinds of other stuff just growing away on top of the post box
I love it, I have no idea what it is but I love it!
thank you for loving it!
A feast for the eyes!
so much going on isn’t there, colours are stunning
Intriguing! moss covering metal?
all over the post box at the end of my road, aren’t the colours great!
Interesting shot, the colours are great, is it moss?
moss and friends!
Love this – fab colours, even though I can’t make sense of what it actual is!
it’s my local post box of course!
Is that lichen? A sign of good air! Lovely picture with fab colours! π
considering i live in london, very happy indeed to have good air surrounding me!
Wow. Pretty moss! Who knew decay could look so good?
i know, stunning isn’t it?!
What is it? I am loving the colours x
it’s the top of a post box, i just popped out to send something and couldn’t stop looking at the top of the post box, amazing colours and life!
It could so easily be an aerial view of a rain forest (sort of, if you squint a bit, and ignore the red).
so not really then! Ha ha
Great bit of decay and moss!
I thought so, glad you do too x
love this!…weirdly it’s made me think of pizza and now i’m hungry!!
brilliant, what extra toppings do you fancy?
wow that looks amazing…I did read though the previous comments and replies as i was very curious as to what it was….who would ever have thought it was a postbox x fab
maybe i should start running trips to see it, everyone seems quite enamoured by it!
Haha great shot, I though it was a flower garedn from high up π
Well kinda, a moss garden high up on the top of a post box?