
  1. Miss_Biggun
    March 17, 2013 / 08:59

    Beautiful, but not sure what it is

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:12

      thank you, i’ve got you all guessing!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:12

      it’s the top of the post box at the end of my road!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:13

      nope not a garden, a post box!

  2. March 17, 2013 / 09:17

    Love the texture and colour. It’s a close up of something? I was thinking tree bark maybe?

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:13

      it is indeed a close up, not a tree but a post box.

  3. March 17, 2013 / 09:31

    Wow, that’s stunning! And not a little intriguing…. Is that some moss I spy?

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:14

      all kinds of stuff going on up there!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:16

      so many colours and patterns, i took me a little longer than usual to post my letter!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:16

      moss and all kinds of other stuff just growing away on top of the post box

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:24

      so much going on isn’t there, colours are stunning

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:24

      all over the post box at the end of my road, aren’t the colours great!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:25

      it’s my local post box of course!

  4. March 17, 2013 / 14:24

    Is that lichen? A sign of good air! Lovely picture with fab colours! πŸ™‚

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:25

      considering i live in london, very happy indeed to have good air surrounding me!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:26

      i know, stunning isn’t it?!

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 20:27

      it’s the top of a post box, i just popped out to send something and couldn’t stop looking at the top of the post box, amazing colours and life!

  5. March 17, 2013 / 21:50

    It could so easily be an aerial view of a rain forest (sort of, if you squint a bit, and ignore the red).

    • hpmcq
      March 17, 2013 / 22:57

      I thought so, glad you do too x

    • hpmcq
      March 18, 2013 / 21:54

      brilliant, what extra toppings do you fancy?

  6. March 18, 2013 / 09:56

    wow that looks amazing…I did read though the previous comments and replies as i was very curious as to what it was….who would ever have thought it was a postbox x fab

    • hpmcq
      March 18, 2013 / 21:56

      maybe i should start running trips to see it, everyone seems quite enamoured by it!

    • hpmcq
      March 19, 2013 / 21:52

      Well kinda, a moss garden high up on the top of a post box?

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