
  1. August 18, 2013 / 08:42

    Really clever image – ice, or coal in inverted colour? And makes me think of diamonds and relative and perceived values of ice/water v diamonds.

    • August 20, 2013 / 22:07

      just imagine they were diamonds! my oh my i wouldn’t be photographing them i be running off with them!

  2. August 18, 2013 / 08:05

    That is really fascinating, at first I thought they were leaves – but is it ice cubes?

    • August 20, 2013 / 22:14

      a friend of mine used to eat tons of them, crunched her way through bucket loads!

  3. August 18, 2013 / 15:58

    I was wondering how you got so close to lots of diamonds before realising they were probably ice. Looks great

    • August 20, 2013 / 22:24

      can’t even begin to imagine how much diamonds that size and in that qty would cost!!!

    • August 20, 2013 / 22:26

      unfortunately ice cubes… oh well at least my drink was cold πŸ˜‰

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