
    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:01

      I need the matching pairs back in mine!

  1. January 26, 2013 / 17:49

    oooh no, my son seems to always have socks missing xx

    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:02

      but why for the love of god why!!!!!

    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:04

      the two on the left are very snazzy, which are my sons, but they do make my herringbone one look a little dull

    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:05

      yes and i’m having a grump because i can’t find the little buggers!

  2. January 27, 2013 / 00:03

    If your house is anything like mine, the sock partners are probably stuck in sleeves or freshly washed duvet covers! Great colours! πŸ™‚

    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:05

      or in my work bag, which is where i’ve just found one of them!

    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:07

      how such simple things can drive you insane!

  3. Actually Mummy
    January 27, 2013 / 11:07

    I’d love to know where they all go

    • hpmcq
      January 27, 2013 / 19:11

      shall we go hide with them too?

  4. January 27, 2013 / 22:28

    WHERE do they go? Drives me mad! Your three are rather lovely. I’ve taken to making any decent spare ones into toy mice. Does that sound a bit odd?

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