plump new white bath linen
how very very pleasing
it’s no lie, i am a big fan of candles. not everyone’s bag, but i do enjoy a candle or two. many many moons ago i used to buy candles for a living for a well-known retailer. it was most enjoyable.
there are many things that i love about candles the gentle light and the scent that drifts and lingers in the air.
scent is a very personal choice, and the quality of the scent is all down to the quality of the fragrance and the wax used to create the perfect balance. the quality of the wax and the wicks ensure the perfect burn.
there are many things that stand out as very british, the union jack, big ben (or is that elizabeth tower now?), the bulldog, the bacon butty, the cup of tea, the underground, fish and chips, the queen, wimbledon, the BBC, a roast dinner, the weather, pubs, strawberries and cream, the beatles, the tower of london, black cabs, red post boxes, crumpets! this could go on and on. however there is one thing that is missing from this brief list and that is the first thing mi abuela (my grandmother) wanted to see and go on the first and only time she came to visit the great british isles.