wow wow WOW
so today i popped into town and whilst out and about, i got a tweet from @notsoslummy
“see both you, hotties made it on the britmums shortlist for the awards thingywotsit :-)”
what? what? WHAT!!!!!!!
true to her words, there i was, i really really was
would you adam and eve it, HPMcQ shortlisted for the snap category
thank you very very much to you all for nominating me
i am ridiculously chuffed
i would very much like to thank @theboyandme for inspiring and encouraging me to snap and keeping me in line
i am really enjoying snapping away for my 366 project
what massive confidence boost to get this shortlist from your gorgeous bunch
if you would like to convert your nomination to a vote please click on the badge below
and again THANK YOU
did i say THANK YOU?
x MWAH x
whilst your here, why don’t you nominate me for a MAD, if you fancy it that is
i am a little bonkers, so would be quite fitting
Your photos are fantastic, you have a real eye for content and editing. That’s why I nominated you!
you made me cry just then, real tears and stuff
thank you so much you have been a part of my life everyday since the 1st of january and we’ve never met!
Oh bless your heart! We’ll meet at Britmums soon enough (diet starts after the chinese tonight)
I just inhaled a gbk burger and chips oooppps