everything with oliver and i is a little topsy-turvy
i’m sure other couples are like this too it’s just that we don’t know any
oliver does the cooking, i can cook it’s just that oliver loves to cook and i can do without it
oliver and decorating and diy is not the best option really, tends to end up in shouting and stomping and i actually really like doing it and it’s the only thing i tend to have a huge amount of patience for.
you see my father is a craftsman and well he only had me, a girl, and he still needed a mate/labourer and that was me. i learnt a lot from him. and whenever anything needs doing he’s the man to ask. however be warned the detail you get in return is intense.
i’ve been thinking about this a lot this morning as our new integrated fridge/freezer arrived promptly at 8am (thank you ikea) and i have then spent the next 2 1/2 hours fitting it. oliver in the meantime and feed ronnie and has now gone to do the weekly shop. that’s the wrong way round surely? hey ho seems to have worked out fine though, so who cares.
I also don’t cook. I can’t. And I fecking hate it. Same goes for cleaning, tidying, decorating, heavy manual work, driving, early mornings and rabid dog wrestling. ALL THIS my husband must do.
I merely waft. That is my role.
wafting & spaffing are good pastimes