last weekend already seems such a long time ago. i miss last weekend already. you see i had kindly been invited by holiday to stay for a weekend in one of their converted barns in bradworthy in north devon. the added bonus was that 13 other bloggers had also been invited so much fun was indeed to be had.
365 29.08.15
at home with country kids
for the last few years, we have been enjoying a christmas winter break. now i love the sun, i really do, but a winter break in the english countryside is very nearly high up there on my favourite holidays. school is out. childcare is scarce, so holiday time it is. we’ve been to cornwall, we’ve been to yorkshire and then fell in love with the north norfolk coast and went for couple of years back to back. this year we thought we would start back at the beginning. cornwall. so here we are on the home turf of the country kids, coombe mill!