quick post to say i’m going solo. nothing dramatic, what i really mean to say is that i’m going self hosted, not nearly as much drama. i’m not really sure what this might entail and what happens whilst it’s all occurring. i’m not sure why i’m doing it really, i have been talked pretty much into it by a friend who knows what she is doing, so i’ll trust her judgement. there has been much chatter in the twitter verse about self hosting and many posts and how too’s being blogged over the last couple of months so perhaps i’m just following the trend.

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wow so yesterday was interesting. it very nearly didn’t happen, that’s right i nearly said

“i’d rather be poorly sighted, get me out of here!”

it was all going well, i got to the clinic in plenty of time and filled in numerous pieces paper work. i met the surgeon, who was a lovely lovely chap and he made me feel really relaxed. he gave my eyes the final check over and ok’d me for the procedure. i then met the surgeons assistant who talked me through all the do’s and don’t for the next 48 hrs and then the following 2 weeks. he talked me through the copious amounts of different drops that i needed for my eyes and when and how to take them. he then put various drops in my eyes, anaesthetics etc and also gave my eyes a quick wipe over with iodine. i had a nice little hair net and blue shoe covers put on and i was ready for eyeball a go go.

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