
  1. December 26, 2013 / 23:32

    Snap! We were playing Operation on Wednesday. It was the only thing my 5-year old asked for from Father Christmas. Was it just me, or my steady adult hands, or was it too easy?

    • December 27, 2013 / 00:12

      we had great fun today playing through our new collection of retro games. i thought the same about how easy it was but i guess with 30 years of fine tuning those motor skills might have something to do with it! happy christmas x

  2. January 12, 2014 / 13:18

    Oh I wonder if The Boy could cope with it yet or if it’s one for next Christmas? I used to love this game.

    • January 12, 2014 / 18:03

      get it for christmas, we played all our retro games most of the afternoon. it was really good fun, however we do appear to have a natural cheat on our hands!

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