better photo project weeks nine & ten

playing catch up again, i don’t know where the time is going at the moment but man it is flying, when did march arrive?

week nine of the better photo project was all about planning. thinking ahead. i don’t do much of this. actually i don’t do it at all really, so that’s one hell of a task.

week tenΒ as hosted by helen from actually mummy, is getting all technical on us and showing off her skills on working with the aperture settings on her DSLR.

right so plan and use the aperture setting. you little buggers annie and helen…

i do love this time of year, where everything is growing and everything is becoming greener and brighter. where there were no leaves, they are now appearing giving everything a wonderful green hue in the sunshine. so that it i’m going to photograph a leaf.

so off with the auto, and aperture set at f4.0. here is my leaf.

ivy ivy


    • March 9, 2014 / 09:05

      thank you. we have brushed stones all down the gaps of the sleepers to stop the slugs! yuk

  1. March 9, 2014 / 08:41

    Perfect one with a great colour effect, what that the natural colour of the wood?

    • March 9, 2014 / 09:08

      these are the old sleepers that we have in our back yard instead of decking. they are so worn and trodden now that the colour of the wood is a lovely mix of tones

  2. March 9, 2014 / 10:19

    You’re a very good student! Most people would just ignore us and do their own thing πŸ™‚
    I love the colour of that leaf, especially against the grey brown of the boards.

    Don’t worry I’m not technical at all – I just have homework to do for my photography teacher and she scares me!

    • March 11, 2014 / 22:07

      i woud really love to do a course, but it’s finding one that i can do around work that i’m having trouble with πŸ™

      keep sharing your tips though, this one was great x

  3. March 16, 2014 / 00:15

    Beautiful piece of still art now I definitely need to get me a profesh camera. Hmmm

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