block printing

i tried my hand a traditional block printing. a craft dating back to way before 220. block printing originated in china and was a technique for printing text, images and or pattern. a long hand process, a very much dying trade, but still used widely throughout east asia to create beautiful textiles, which could not be produced in any other way.

block sandingblock planning

wood carving




block printed fabric


  1. February 2, 2015 / 10:35

    Wow, what an amazing experience, its fascinating to see how its done.

    • March 14, 2015 / 19:39

      i can’t tell you how exciting it was to see them working. totally my kind of thing!

  2. February 2, 2015 / 12:33

    Wow – just wow. That looks amazing. I think printing is probably the only form of art that I could be any good at – I loved doing lino at school because it didn’t involve paint or copying anything! Stunning stuff – have you brought the fruits of your labours home with you?

  3. February 2, 2015 / 15:23

    That looks amazing and wow that carving is so intricate, it must take forever to make the blocks!

    • March 14, 2015 / 19:41

      they are so quick it’s ridiculous, it would take me months!

  4. February 2, 2015 / 17:23

    So beautiful to see craftsmanship like this still happening. The time and effort gone into make the blocks is simply amazing.

    • March 14, 2015 / 19:41

      block printing is such a lovely way to print, we’ve been trying to do more of it, it stunning

  5. February 3, 2015 / 00:52

    Gosh, these are beautiful. What an interesting technique, and you’ve totally done the process justice with these shots. What a bloody marvellous woman you are x

  6. February 3, 2015 / 13:01

    The detail on that is just amazing!

    Those people are so talented and I’m so jealous that you got to see them working x x

  7. February 3, 2015 / 20:48

    wow that is beautiful, traditional art at its very best.

    • March 14, 2015 / 19:44

      such a dying trade, we are really trying to keep them going by developing more with traditional methods. it’s so beautiful

  8. February 3, 2015 / 21:25

    That is just so beautiful . How lovely to do something new (and ancient!)

    • March 14, 2015 / 19:45

      old can be truly stunning, all these new jazzy ways of doing things sometimes just aren;t the best way 🙂

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