brit mums kodak christmas challenge

so christmas december arrived and i made some stars. i posted one star on twitter and all hell broke loose. i want to make those! so many cried, so i thought i’d care to share and put together a step by step guide on how to make these stunning but easy peasey stars. then mammasaurus pointed me in the direction of a brit mum kodak competition that is currently running and thought i should join in the fun. well nothing like a challenge to keep those grey cells going i thought. i wanted to design something rather gorgeous along the lines of origami paper and use the two contrasting double sidedness to really make the stars look quite fab, well that was the plan anyhow. then i had a total shit of a week. work was and still is pretty evil. ronnie had a cold and still has, then i had a cold and still have, all in all a whole pile of poop diddy poop. but still, there in the back of my mind were these blooming stars! looks like next week is going to be just as nasty too, so thought i would do my self a favour for once and drop the bar, give myself a break and do something much simpler. pulled together some snazzy colours, drew out two very simple designs and pressed print. oh joy joy joy the printer is buggered and will only print in pink & yellow, not the look i was really going for too much annoyance. hey ho, it is a competition to win a printer after all, so here is my star, not as i wanted, printed very badly but still shows what you can do with a printer even on a crap day!

brit mums i need a new printer please!

oh and here’s a bauble i made from the scraps and a couple of those butterfly pin jobbies (not sure that they are called that) and you can see how dodgy my printer really is this close up!

I'm Taking Part in the Kodak Christmas Photo Craft Challenge


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