
the first memories of the 1980’s that pop straight into my mind are the essential candy floss lipstick, hair spray, anything peach, puff-ball skirts, sling back kitten heels and belcher chains from elizabeth duke. sound familiar?

i give to you HPMcQ aged 13 in all of the above.



click below to see more 80’s horrors!


  1. November 14, 2012 / 21:25

    I still own a puff ball skirt. It is made from Flying V guitar patterned material. I can’t decide if it is the best skirt ever, or the worst.

    • hpmcq
      November 14, 2012 / 21:36

      i still have a puff ball dress! i absolutely love it but terrified to wear it.

    • hpmcq
      November 14, 2012 / 21:39

      errrrrr what you talking about?

  2. November 15, 2012 / 18:32

    Hahahaha. Great picture. I can still remember putting enough spray on my hair that I could literally lift up my fringe like a solid wall. Great times

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 09:20

      yes me too! and sometimes to get it really big hair i would turn my head upside down and spray the hell out of it too. happy days.

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