dear legs

we need to have a chat you and i. you’re not my best feature but your certainly not my worst. however i do treat you well and just to give you forward notice i would very much like to see this reciprocated if you wouldn’t mind. thanks.

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one christmas my parents spent quite a lot of the morning being quite concerned that i hadn’t gone to the toilet. it was pretty much beyond a joke. i mean it’s very well-known fact that i don’t go to the toilet much, i have a bit of an issue with toilets you see, oh and toilet rolls, and it’s got worse with age and the travelling i do for work. however, that’s another post all together. so back to christmas day and back to my parents whom are pretty much banging on at me at every opportune moment.

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for anyone who is unaware who mammasaurus is, here is a brief introduction in her own words

RAWR I’m mammasaurus ! actually I’m really annie, mother of 8, wife of 1, lover of gin… I write stuff, I draw stuff. sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s nonsense and on the odd occasion it’s sad and thought-provoking – but if I had to sum it up in word that word would be ‘eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!’. make of that what you will.

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