the beginning of april didn’t start so well. nanny minnie had another fall. a bad one too. she broke her hip and her wrist. she is 94 next month, so the mere thought of a double operation was frightening, the reality pretty sickening. hanging around the hospital waiting to see if she got through the op was just too much, so i picked myself up and went for wander around shoreditch to give me a distraction, clear my thoughts and build my strength for when i returned. street art always seems to have a calming effect on me.

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march took me back to shoreditch, in a little bit of a panic as i had lost my favourite pen and needed an urgent replacement from labour & wait. first world problems i know. but i do like a good pen. whilst eastside i took a little wonder, rude not too really, and this is what i discovered.

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hadn’t had a little wander around shoreditch since before christmas, been a bit busy with christmas, new year and travelling for work. so it was nice the other morning to get into town too early for the shops to be open and have a look to what’s been going on in the area. the ever changing canvas of shoreditch.

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