mum of one has a nifty little game
a game we all know and love
i spy
the challenge is, she dishes out a letter each week and we then post a photo of something beginning with that given letter
today is the letter u
see others on mum of ones linky
Utensils…lots of shiny ones. How do you make everything look so pretty?
oh I’m not sure that they are pretty I thought they looked battered and in need of some loving!
UUUUUUUUUUUUTENSILS (of the kitcheeeeeen variety) (not a love spatula)
love spatula! genius
What a lovely picture. You have made something so ordinary looks like a pretty piece of art. x
lovely comment thank you however my first thought was that they looked a bit battered!
Utensils! Please say I’m right, I’ve been bombing out with the other entries!
your right your right your RIGHT *does dance* *spins around* *feels dizzy* *sits down again* whaooooo
Ewe tense sills