saturday caption day 31.12.11

so the last saturday of the year is here

which means the last satcap of 2011

so here is mine

what mischief is this little fella up to? you decide


to see more click on mammasaurus linky tools


  1. December 31, 2011 / 09:39

    I iz da hooded claw
    Gettin up yo face
    Drinkin yo milk
    Showin my skillz
    Nuff said

    Thank you for joining in on Saturdays sweet cheeks x

  2. December 31, 2011 / 09:57

    The rioters were coming in all shapes and sizes this New Years Eve. Lock up your Mice.

    Happy New Year x

  3. December 31, 2011 / 15:40

    Uh, yeah, The Hooded Claw is a cool nickname. What do you mean, it’s already taken?

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