
    • June 15, 2014 / 08:09

      they just appeared in the garden, don’t remember planting them! love them too!

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:11

      i could photograph them all day! i’d be a nightmare at a flower show πŸ™‚

  1. June 1, 2014 / 11:50

    Such strong vibrant colours, it just looks and feels all summery

    Thank you for linking up

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:17

      the colours no, but didn’t tinker with the depth of field to make them stand out a little more

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:18

      the colour is not my doing, they really are that vibrant!

  2. June 1, 2014 / 15:50

    Gorgeous colours. These are some of my favourite flowers. My grandma ha a garden full!

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:19

      yes i remember them from a child too, so very pleased to see them pop up in our garden this year

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:20

      yes! god know how many times i’ve done the ventriloquist thing with them too πŸ˜‰

  3. June 1, 2014 / 18:39

    Beautiful colours, reminded me of being small and of fruit salads, those chewy sweets for some reason! πŸ˜€

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:21

      they are totally the colours of fruit salads! man that remind of the school tuck shop

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:23

      i wish i had lots and lots of them to fill a vase with, they would look remarkable

    • June 15, 2014 / 08:24

      amazing aren’t they, hope they are for keeps and come back next year too!

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