
    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:19

      a villa in the canaries, la la la la la

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:20

      very long overdue sunshine, feel better already!

  1. July 8, 2012 / 09:53

    Looks lovely! Hope you have a fabulous time wherever you are! I can just tell it’s not in England πŸ˜€

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:20

      thank you, day 2 and it’s blooming sublime…

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:21

      just kicking back and lazing by the pool, perfect.

  2. July 8, 2012 / 13:18

    Now this looks like the type of place I would like to be right now. Enjoy the laying amd the sunshine πŸ™‚

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:22

      i am indeed enjoying both the laying and the sunshine

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:22

      there is actually a spare room…

  3. Natalie
    July 8, 2012 / 13:06

    I am not jealous, I am not jealous, I am not jealous *mumblemumble*

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:24

      it is both, sorry about that πŸ˜‰

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 19:24

      jump on a plane we have a spare room!

    • hpmcq
      July 8, 2012 / 20:42

      it’s the only thing that kept me going through the shite of the last couple of weeks, so glad we made it!

    • hpmcq
      July 9, 2012 / 11:24

      just a few days helps you through the rest of the year!

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