
  1. Romanianmum
    November 18, 2012 / 11:16

    Oh my goodness that looks like a painting! Really nice!

    PS: I just shared your pic via stumble upon too!

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 11:29

      thank you and thank you !

  2. November 18, 2012 / 11:53

    Ah wow! That is stunning photo. I agree with Romanianmum, it does looks like a painting.
    I am new on your blog and thanks for visiting mine that leads me over here…welcomed by your beautiful picture as a baby.

    Hugs xx

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 11:56

      thank you for coming to visit, have a look around let me know what you think x happy sunday x

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 13:03

      i wish i was that talented!

  3. November 18, 2012 / 15:18

    Absolutely beautiful picture. I really love the effects. This would look amazing up on the wall.

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:00

      thank you muchly, perhaps i should find a wall for it.

  4. November 18, 2012 / 17:08

    I love the way your photos sometimes look like paintings! This one is fabulous – love the blue sky X

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:04

      i wish i could paint like this, he ho.. x

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:04

      trees are great this time of year, like giant skeletons.

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:05

      just a bit of jiggery pokery and BOSH!

      thank you x

  5. Me, Myself and I ~ Dawn
    November 18, 2012 / 18:19

    A beautiful picture..

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:06

      ahhh thank you glad you like x

  6. November 18, 2012 / 19:15

    I know everyone else has said it but looks like a BEAUTIFUL painting x

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:20

      in reality it was quite the opposite!

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:31

      not as lovely as rock solid fudge!

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:32

      oh jenny you are just too clever, that is exactly the case!

  7. November 18, 2012 / 21:37

    Such lovely colours, and the setting is just perfect too with the fence in the foreground and those beautiful trees in the back! πŸ™‚

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 21:44

      thank you, a little cropping did the trick just nicely!

  8. November 18, 2012 / 22:23

    Amazing effect, how did you create that? Also curious to know whrere it is? It looks so like the grounds in the Waddeston Mannor estate

    • hpmcq
      November 18, 2012 / 22:32

      i take everything on my phone and i have tweaked the saturation and then cropped it in a litte to add to the linear effect. oooo get me. it’s in dulwich park which is just down the road to where we live in south east london. i’m standing in the playground area on a busy saturday afternoon and looked out to a very peaceful scene which was a complete contradiction to what my ears were hearing!

    • hpmcq
      November 19, 2012 / 09:17

      thank you for your lush comment x

    • hpmcq
      November 19, 2012 / 19:47

      Thank you, it’s Dulwich park in south east London

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