
  1. April 27, 2014 / 09:59

    An amazing shot! I’d love to be able to take photos like this x

  2. April 27, 2014 / 10:36

    WOW what a great shot!!! ive been thinking how you took this photo? are you outside a building suspended by rope? but then i thought maybes there was a opened window? lol either one i think i would crap myself lol #MySundayPhoto

  3. April 27, 2014 / 11:52

    Beautiful shot, I only hope I can learn to take pictures like this when hubby gets his new camera ๐Ÿ™‚ amazing !!

  4. April 27, 2014 / 15:31

    Loving the mood of this shot, it looks like a scene out of a science-fiction movie. xx

  5. April 27, 2014 / 18:53

    I am not the first to say it but the word for this is FAB-U-LOUS. Love the perspective and the light. Gorgeous. Oh and I happen to love the subject too. My favourite shot this #SilentSunday x

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