so yesterday our halloween prep started, when mr HPMcQ brought home a pumpkin. we got our carve on. however this just wetted ronnie’s appetite for more halloween preparations and he wanted even more pumpkins, so when he’d gone to bed i popped out and snuck two more into the living room, ready as a surprise in the morning.
halloween nyc stylee
halloween hasn’t ever really been a big deal for me, not as an adult anyhow. maybe a few parties here or there when i was little, but i think it was just an excuse to get dressed up! ronnie however is really getting into at the moment. he really wants to go trick or treating but not sure how i feel about that really? i’ve gathered some ideas together, i’ve brought back some treats from the states and we will decorate, and carve out pumpkins and paint faces. however this seems a little lame in comparison to the american approach to halloween. this is big big party time for them and with halloween just a week away the preparations have already begun. i hadn’t really expected it to be as ready as i found this week. houses already in full dress, pumpkins ladened doorsteps and tree hugging witches. this is clearly a city that likes to celebrate the ghoul!