
    • June 28, 2013 / 15:53

      ronnie won 6 stickers! he was so chuffed. we stood in the spitting rain for 2 hours and then the heavens just opened and all the nippers had enough so home for movies and snacks tucked up all cosy on the sofa x

  1. Stacey Corrin
    June 28, 2013 / 19:56

    Oh I have the delights of sports day yet to come, when my eldest starts school next year. I personally loathed participating, just hope he enjoys it more than I did!

    • June 28, 2013 / 22:05

      we didn’t get off to a great start, poor rooster looked so overwhelmed, i broke my heart to watch from the side lines. a couple of events in though and the egg and spoon race chippered him up and then the heavens opened so we didn’t get to finish. but i think he had enough anyway, so good timing to go home and cozt up x

  2. June 29, 2013 / 11:00

    Least it was a winning sports day. Have to say you make the rain look so good.

    • July 1, 2013 / 12:57

      i didn’t make my hair look so good that’s for sure! ha ha ha

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