366 14.01.12

today i went into the bathroom the comb my hair and brush my teeth

i took one look in the mirror and thought jeez woman sort ya barnet out

so i did, there and then

not sure whether it was being daft or brave

i combed my wet hair forward, tilted my head down and cut it

a good 5-6″ to boot

then i sectioned off the back, pulled that straight up and snipped another 2-3″

luckily i think i got away with it!


  1. January 14, 2012 / 23:03

    It looks great! I cut my own hair all the time and mine looks hacked – yours however is fab!

    • January 14, 2012 / 23:09


      thank you hairy muff very much for your lovely comment. i’m not sure up close it looks as fab but it was pissing me off so it had to go!!!

  2. January 15, 2012 / 05:35

    I’m impressed I’d love to be able to cut my own hair but I’m far too scared!

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