boys boys boys

my boys mean the world to me

there is nothing i wouldn’t do for them

there is no-one i wouldn’t fight for them

they are simply the best boys in town

the boys

 click below to see more of our gorgeous boys
who all mean the world to all of us


  1. Trish
    February 21, 2013 / 08:56

    Ooh look, matching sheds! How fab is that. This did make me smile x

    • hpmcq
      February 21, 2013 / 09:03

      ronnies shed is probably one of the best things we have bought, in the summer he spends a lot of time going in and out, in and out!

    • hpmcq
      February 21, 2013 / 21:53

      thank you, they were just kicking the ball about last sunday and i took this shot out of our bedroom window x

  2. February 21, 2013 / 15:05

    It’s like you said look at me and say we are cool instead of you know “Say cheese”. and ahm well MY boys are the best teehee x

    • hpmcq
      February 21, 2013 / 21:53

      careful might have to have a boy off! ha ha

  3. Chelseamamma
    February 21, 2013 / 19:27

    Love the den!! Need one of those!!

    • hpmcq
      February 21, 2013 / 21:55

      loved pimping ronnie’s, did quite look like that when we bought it but much fun. mr hpmcq still finds the windows on my one hilarious!

  4. Suzanne
    February 21, 2013 / 21:49

    Ah, two peas in a pod! Lovely to see a Father and son together 🙂

    • hpmcq
      February 21, 2013 / 21:56

      yes indeed, we’ve got to the point now that they seem to be dressing very similar…

  5. March 1, 2013 / 14:40

    Yay for mum’s of sons! Your boys look super cool in this photo =)

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