girls v boys

ronnie : mummy why have you chopped your winky off?

hpmcq : i haven’t chopped it off,  i didn’t have one in the first place ronnie, i’m a girl and girls don’t have winkies

ronnie : what have you got then?

hpmcq : i have a nunny. girls have nunnies and boobies and boys have winkies and ghoulies.

ronnie : is that like girls have baskets on their push bikes and boys don’t?


  1. March 11, 2012 / 11:33

    brilliant. my 2 year old was looking at me naked the other day as i was about to jump in the shower and he had a puzzled look on his face and repeated ”willy” as if to question where mine was lol

    • March 11, 2012 / 14:01

      hilarious, ronnie did something similar when he was the same age. we were on holiday and he was having a bath and kicked dad in the ghoulies by accident. when he got out the bath i was in my dressing gown and he whipped it open and the shock on his face was classic “mummy no ghoulies?”

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