camp bestival we have arrived

so yep we did it, we went to camp bestival. i was terrified but once we got there it was all good. so let me take you through our experience and see if any of you doubters, just like i was, may have a change of heart and maybe just maybe get yourselves some tickets for camp bestival 2015.

day 1 – thursday

we took it easy, making sure we had packed all that we needed for our 4 night camping adventure. even though we had hired a blue bell tent, there was still so much to consider, and i didn’t want to miss anything as i wanted this to be a great first experience for us all. we didn’t leave home until very nearly lunch time, which meant that we hit quite a lot of traffic heading into lulworth. in hindsight we should have probably left earlier, but it was no biggy.

we arrived, we parked, actually we got a little confused in the car park and we ended up in the wrong place. luckily we were pointed in the right direction, so off we went. we swiftly hired a mr trolley to ferry everything to the tent. we didn’t hire one for the weekend as i thought that at 5, maybe ronnie was a little to big for one. actually it would have come in very handy, as he got tired quite quickly, as there’s so much to take in.

we packed A LOT of stuff so it was two trips to the tent. but by the time Mr HPMcQ came back with the second round, i had quickly whizzed around and made our tent a little more HPMcQ than when we had first arrived, which with beds already made up made things a little easier. we then sat back and admired the view. at this point i kind of guessed that actually everything might just be fine.

we had a quick snack and some refreshment and before the sun set for the evening went for a quick wander around camp to get our bearings for the next day. much was still cordoned off as things were still in preparation mode for the next day. but we a got a basic feel for the place.

we grabbed our first ice-cream and then headed back to our new home for some tea and kite flying, and a fairly early night, recharge those batteries to take on the first day of the festival.

disclaimer: we received family camp bestival 2014 tickets in return for previews and reviews of this year’s festival. we did however pay for our blue bell tent, because actual camping was not an option! either way, it goes without saying we will be honest and our views and opinions will be our own.


  1. August 12, 2014 / 21:59

    these posts that I have read today really really make me want to go! Maybe just maybe I will next yr…

    • August 12, 2014 / 22:06

      Do it! I never thought I would but I’m already looking forward to next year 🙂

    • August 19, 2014 / 19:47

      believe me i’m no camper, but i saved my pennies so that we could camp in the most glamorous way possible!

  2. August 15, 2014 / 21:03

    I’m green with envy reading everyone’s posts about Camp Bestival. Master C was just too young this year, but maybe next year…

  3. August 16, 2014 / 13:57

    I am so pleased I was not the only for whom camping was not an option! Loved this and loved the pics, especially of that little round house!

    • August 19, 2014 / 19:48

      i want that round house to be my home! i was desperately trying to take a peak in the windows. such a fab place.

    • August 19, 2014 / 19:49

      it made such a difference to our first camping experience, i didn’t want to be the mummy that doesn’t like camping and then moaned the whole time. so this helped in HUGE amounts.

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