the end of our summer

how did eight weeks pass at such speed? i blinked and there it went. we did have a marvellous time though.

we started with two weeks in the sunny canaries. back briefly for our first camping and festival adventure at camp bestival. then i zoomed off of to india for a week for work, then back home and BOOM bank holiday weekend, and what better way to spend the bank holiday but down in rye and camber sands on the east sussex coast.

being only an hour and half from our home in london, it’s always a favourite quick escape to the sand dunes on sunnier days.

we hired a cottage down by the harbour, which gave us perfect positioning between the old town of rye, camber and it’s wonderful sands to the left, followed by the desolate and baron marshes of dungeness. to the right the beautiful winchelsea, with it’s pebbled beach below leading onto my grandfathers favourite place pett level.

rye harbour

rye old town

two front doors


john donne’s poem the sun rising, written on the side of derek jarman’s

busy old fool, unruly sun,
why dost thou thus,
through windows, and through curtains, call on us ?
must to thy motions lovers’ seasons run ?
saucy pedantic wretch, go chide
late school-boys and sour prentices,
go tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride,
call country ants to harvest offices ;
love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,
nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
in that the world’s contracted thus ;
thine age asks ease, and since thy duties be
to warm the world, that’s done in warming us.
shine here to us, and thou art everywhere ;
this bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere


camber sands

the end of summer


  1. September 23, 2014 / 10:25

    What a busy holiday but a lovely relaxing break at the end, and the beginning by the sound of things. Some wonderful photos of a week that looks bathed in sunshine. thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids

    • September 29, 2014 / 19:17

      early to bed every night, we were shattered from busy days and the purest of sea air!

  2. September 30, 2014 / 12:49

    Beautiful pics as always – particularly loving the red roofed barn and the bench. Looks like you had a fabulous break x

  3. September 30, 2014 / 13:55

    I can smell the sea!!

    Beautiful photos as always. What a busy summer!

  4. September 30, 2014 / 20:00

    What an amazing 8 weeks. I love Camber Sands but not been there for years. I love how so many of your photos feel like they have something red for me to focus on.

  5. September 30, 2014 / 20:07

    What a stunning place! Gorgeous pictures as per usual! ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  6. September 30, 2014 / 21:13

    I loved looking at those photos, we are off to stay in Camber this weekend and I am super excited now, praying for great weather. Mich x

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